Pursuing academic excellence in a loving Christian environment is something we strive for each and every day. The staff at Camellia School help our students to achieve this excellence in academics as well as Christian values. With genuine concern for each student’s well being, our staff model values such as personal excellence, teamwork, and the desire to live for God. Our program is designed so that even the average child can achieve excellence.
Infants and younger toddlers are taught using the faith based Pinnacle Curriculum. Children are exposed to God’s love through tender loving care and learn God loves them and that they are special. They are exposed to music, art, books, and manipulatives suited for their age. Teachers will encourage the sharing of time, space, attention, and materials. Activities are offered which will develop large and small motor skills. Toddlers are also exposed to various units of study through hands on activities as well as the basic shapes, colors, and numerals.
Preschool classes (2 year olds through Kindergarten) are taught using the well respected A Beka curriculum, which compliments our goal for academic excellence with a biblical emphasis. Our preschoolers are exposed to various aspects of education through phonics exercises, hands-on activities, manipulatives, and games. Even four year olds can learn to read in our enjoyable program. Kindergarteners excel in reading and math skills. The ABEKA program sets students up for success in academics. Most students flourish in school once completing our program.
Additional resources supplement and enhance learning in each of the following areas:
Weekly Chapel
Sign Language
Physical Education
A major goal at Camellia School is to provide more than an academic experience. Our low teacher-student ratio allows us to provide each student with individual attention. Extracurricular activities, such as field day & gymnastics classes will help to develop the whole child. All of this takes place in an environment that emphasizes Christian values and individual responsibility. We strive to build lives upon sound truth in accordance to Psalm 78:4.